Counseling and Psychological Services has a “Counselor on Duty” who is available for in-person or phone consultations during office hours, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., (951) 827-5531. A brief consultation may help you sort out relevant issues and explore alternative approaches to dealing with a distressed student.
How to Make a Referral
Simply suggest that the student call (951) 827-5531 or visit Counseling and Psychological Services to make an appointment. Openly acknowledging to students that you are aware of their distress, sincerely concerned about their welfare, and willing to help them explore alternative responses can have a profound and positive effect.
- Request to see the student in private. This may help minimize embarrassment and defensiveness.
- Briefly acknowledge your observations and perceptions of their situation.
- Express your concerns directly and honestly.
- Be honest with the student about the limits of your time, ability, expertise and/or objectivity.
- Let the student know that you think she/he should get assistance from another source.
- Assure them that many students seek help over the course of their college career.
- Try to help the student know what to expect if she/he follows through on the referral.
Additional UCR Resources
In addition to Counseling and Psychological Services, there are several other UCR departments on campus available for assistance, consultation and intervention. Please refer below to the appropriate phone numbers and websites for more information.
Case Management
Student Health & Counseling Center (SHCC), 2nd Floor
Ph: (951) 827-5000
- Staff needs guidance or advice about how to intervene with a student of concern.
- Student is distressed or distressing to others and faculty or staff wish to defer to professional staff for assistance in intervention and follow up.
- Student needs assistance in identifying resources to meet basic student needs including housing, food, health care, essential educational expenses.
Assistant Vice Chancellor/Dean of Students
Ph: (951) 827-6095
- Faculty or staff needs assistance in setting boundaries and clarifying expectations.
- Faculty, staff or student needs assistance with logistical challenges facing a student.
Office of the Ombudsman
388 & 390 Skye Hall
Ph: (951) 827-3213
- Any member of the campus community needs a safe, fair, independent, confidential, impartial and informal place to discuss a question, concern or complaint.
- There is a need to identify issues, generate options and/or with facilitating the resolution of a problem or conflict using conflict resolution techniques and methodologies.
- There are questions regarding applicable policies, procedures or regulations.
Policy & Campus Safety
UCR Police Department
3500 Canyon Crest Drive
24/7 Dispatch Line: (951) 827-5222
- Student presents a serious threat or imminent risk to self or others.
- File a police report about a crime that occurred on campus.
Student Conduct & Academic Integrity Programs (SCAIP)
119 Costo
Ph: (951) 827-4208
- Student’s conduct (both academic or social) represents a violation of university policy and faculty or staff wishes to take steps to hold student accountable and learn from mistakes.
- Faculty or staff needs consultation as to whether student behavior constitutes a violation of university policy.
- Faculty, staff or student wants clarification regarding university policy as it pertains to students or student organizations.
Title IX – Sexual Harassment Office
365 Skye Hall
Ph: (951) 827-7070
- Student wishes to file a complaint of sexual harassment or sexual assault.
- There are questions or concerns about sex discrimination or sexual harassment.
- Clarification is needed regarding policies on sexual assault and procedures for reporting it.
Health & Wellness
Student Health Services
Student Health & Counseling Center, 1st Floor
Ph: (951) 827-3031
- Student is facing medical or behavioral health challenges that would benefit from medical care including on-campus primary care and psychiatric services and referral to off-campus specialists, programs and resources.
The Well
HUB 248
Satellite Lounge: Student Health & Counseling Center, 1st Floor
Ph: (951) 827-9355
- Student would benefit from a peer mentor or educator.
- Student wants information on resources for health and wellness.
- Students wants information on community services or getting involved in wellness projects on campus.
Student Disability Resource Center
1228 Student Services Building
Ph: (951) 827-3861
- Student is facing challenges associated with a physical, learning or psychological disability.
- Student wants to explore possibility of academic accommodations due to a disability.
Ethnic and Gender Programs
Costo Hall
Student is facing challenges associated with racial, ethnic or cultural background, gender or sexual orientation.
- Offices include African Student Programs, Asian Pacific Student Programs, Chicano Student Programs, LGBT Resource Center, Middle Eastern Student Center, Native American Student Programs, Undocumented Student Programs and the Women’s Resource Center.
- Student is seeking support, peer mentoring, advocacy and help with community building.
- Student is facing challenges associated with sexual assault, sexual harassment, stalking or domestic violence.