Counseling and Psychological Services is open!
Call the CAPS front desk at 951-827-5531, option 2 for your in-person and virtual scheduling needs.
Call 951-827-5531, Option 1 to speak to a crisis counselor 24/7.
Visit our Youtube Video library to see CAPS messages, access service information for different populations, what we do and how to connect with us!
General Welcome from Counseling & Psychological Services
Meet some of the CAPS team and briefly what CAPS does.
CAPS General Services Video
Welcome to UCR Highlanders! Watch this video to learn about CAPS, Health, Well-being & Safety, and other on and off-campus resources.
CAPS General Services
CAPS Graduate Student Orientation Video
Learn about how Graduate students can access CAPS with more ease and anonymity.
new graduate students
International Student CAPS Orientation
Learn about how International students can access CAPS with more ease and anonymity.
International students
Supporting a Student in Distress for Faculty & Staff Video
The purpose of this video is to provide staff and faculty with tips on how to support students in distress using the acronym, V.I.C.K.S.
V.I.C.K.S. stands for: Validate, Identify, Care, Knowledge, Support & Self-care. Brought to you by the Riverside County Suicide Prevention Coalition Higher Education Subcommittee.
Supporting Students in distress for faculty & staff video
Understanding Employee Self-Care for Faculty & Staff Video
The purpose of this video is to encourage and remind college and university staff, faculty, and employees to practice ongoing self-care. In this video, you will see different examples of self-care strategies you can incorporate into your various roles. Brought to you by the Riverside County Suicide Prevention Coalition Higher Education Subcommittee.
Understanding employee self-care for faculty & staff video
Parent Orientation Videos:
Spanish Language Parent Video
Curada específicamente para padres; Este video informativo le permite aprender sobre la oficina de CAPS y qué servicios están disponibles para sus estudiantes.
Spanish language parent video
English Language Parent Video
Specifically curated for parents; This informative video allows you to learn about the CAPS office and what services are available to your students.
English language parent video